Dave Winterburn

DAVE WINTERBURN DIRECTOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Dave joined Xtera in 2008 having previously been Director of Software Development at Azea.  At Azea he was responsible for development of the embedded software in the SLTE and its associated network management systems. ...

Paul Farrugia

PAUL FARRUGIA VP ENGINEERING FOR SUBMERGED EQUIPMENT Paul Farrugia joined Xtera in 2008 and is now the VP Engineering for submerged equipment having previously been responsible for hardware development of SLTE at Azea.  Prior to joining Azea in 2002 he was Director of...

Wayne Pelouch

WAYNE PEOUCH VICE PRESIDENT OF PHOTONICS Wayne Pelouch received his B.A. degree in Physics (Honors) and B.S. degree from Northwestern University in 1987, and his Ph.D. degree in Applied Physics from Cornell University in 1992. His thesis covered ultrafast lasers and...

Tony Frisch

TONY FRISCH CHIEF TECHINCAL OFFICER Tony Frisch joined Xtera in 2004 initially managing Marketing and Proposals for terminal equipment and upgrades and then responsible for products such as Repeaters and Branching Units, and now serves as CTO. Tony started work at...

Vijay Rudravajjala

VIJAY RUDRAVAJJALA VP ENGINEERING  Vijay Rudravajjala has over 25 years of experience in design and development of SDH and DWDM systems. Vijay joined Xtera in 2000 and was responsible for development of software for the Nu-Wave DWDM product. He and his team developed...